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The Constitutional Convention of 1948



Augustinian Monastery


The dignity of man is inviolable

Distancing from National Socialism


Book and booklet

The cloister

Allied perspectives

Allied perspectives

Hunting scenes

Internal German perspectives

Internal German perspectives

Burdens and life after the war

Everyday life after the war

The Frankfurt Documents

The Frankfurt Documents

Constitutional discussions 1947/48

Constitutional discussions 1947/48

Democracy after the Nazi era

Accommodation for the Convention delegates

Accommodation for the Convention delegates

Furniture and coat

Living in King Ludwig's time

13 days on the island

Daily life at the Constitutional Convention

Useful things in everyday convent life


At the center of Events: The Plenary Hall

The Plenary Hall

Dining room Ludwig II.

Prominent experts and women participants in the Convention

Prominent experts and women participants in the Convention

Burdened biographies and victim stories

Insights - personal documents and work utensils

From the Constitutional Convention to the Basic Law

From the Constitutional Convention to the Basic Law

Central documents and the parents of the constitution

Constitutional issues since 1949

Constitutional issues since 1949

In the convent floor of the monastery

The Basic Law – a Living Constitution

The Basic Law – a Living Constitution

References to National Socialism in today's Basic Law

Speaking objects